Friday, January 2, 2009

Hi again everyone. Well Glen is home from the hosp. and fine he is just enjoying a big bowl of the tatter soup.It sure did turn out good . But then it always does theres nothing much to doing it. He said he didnt even know when they did the proceedure he was out.He asked when it was going to be done when they told him he had it already was he surprised.I had just got the phone and was going to call the hosp. to see if everythoing was ok when the phone rang and it was the hosp. telling me I could come get him.The Dr. said he couldnt find anything wrong anywhere. That is another relief.So I guess I can continue doing whatever now.Will go for this time again.Till we talk again .luv ya all . Mom, Gram Great Gram ,Glen, Grampa

1 comment:

Jessie said...

what was glen in the hospital for grandma?