Hi everyone. I havent been on here 4 a couple of days. I wrote in my blog the other night but I clicked it twice so it didnt go through. Well Glen & I had a quiet turkey day on Mon. We didnt have turk. Just chicken & dressing,with squash from the garden & pumpkin from the same place 4 pie.I just made the filling & baked it in a cake pan. That is how I have made most of my pies the last few yrs. We dont need all that greese anyway. Even though Bridgette says I make the flakiest pie crust ever.We went 2 the dr. 2 day I had 2 get a referal 4 the heart specialist & Glen got prescriptions.Our dr. is moving 2 Rutland it is still part of the city but quite a bit farther 2 drive so I guess we r going 2 see if we can get another in the same office as we have been going 2.If I am not satisfied I will go all the way 2 Rutland 2 dr. Sue.We r still going 2 the day hosp. I am still making cards. I sold 3 more 2 day but not xmas. I have an order for about 10 more xmas cards from another lady in my class.I have more than that made but I will get some different xmas paper b 4 I make more so she will have more 2 choose from. They all cant get over how pretty I make them. They r my own design,s 2 .If I can find someone who knows how I will get them 2 show me so I can put them on my blog.Well it is almost 8:00 so I will go for tonight.Love everyone . Have a good night . Your Mom, Gram, Great Gram I miss you all very much.