Hi everyone.Hope you are all well.We are not to bad exceptmy back it still is not all better.Bridgette I just read your blog.Im sure you have the courage to get back on the wagon of losers. You have done so well these last few wks.I am proud you kept it up Our Jessie has done so well alsoI am proud of her accomplishments.I lost 3 pounds the wk. befor last but only about 1 and a half this past wk.I told Glen I am satisfied as long as I keep it up.I dont expect to lose as fast as you younger folks.The older you are the harder it is to accomplish.Well what is everyone doing lately?.We have been getting some beautiful sunshine the last few days.What a lift it gives you.Glen is still bothered with his legs.It is in the works about Kathryn, David ,and me to see if we can all get together at your house in the spring Bridgette.I hope we all can get together.I guess id better go for this time. Tillwe talk again . I love you all, HUGS,KISSES XOXOXOXOXO,,,Mom,Gram,Great Gram,Glen, Grampa