Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hi for today to everyone from me.Well is everyone got over xmas. It still is the blae,s here.I called my 2 sisters today and Auntie Velma is not good.She had to go to hosp yesterday. She has got a terrible cold and a cough. It has been good weather for this sort of thing.I am so glad the only thing I can complain about is that I am still so tired all the time yet.I have no idea what it could be.It is not 5. 30 yet and I could fall on the floor and sleep.Of coarse I had a bad dream last night .It woke me up around 12, middle of the night and I didnt get back to sleep till after 5 this morning.I guess that is why I,m dozy. Well I guess I better go for now. Talk to you all latter LOTS OF LOVE HUGS AND KISSES. FROM YOUR MOM,GRAM,GREAT GRAM AND GLEN,GRAMPA

1 comment:

kathy said...

Hey Mom and Glen just got back to Newmarket ..whew what a trip wind gusts very high white knuckles when I got home..Xmas down home was so great Dave & Annie D did an excellent job on dinner we all ate lots and lots and desserts were VERY good..they made breakfast for James and I b4 we left this a.m it was good too (peameal bacon)..when I got to Parkview all were throwing me questions as to how my holiday went and what I got for presents they were happy I was back..I was very happy for them as most received all they asked for the right colour the right size it WAS JUST I'm going to do laundry and just chillax New Years is approaching and I'm working it's ok..well take care of yourselves and KEEP POSTING love Kathy