Well Hi to everyonethat reads my blog . whoo you know what?Yup I forgot how to get in to my blog.I had to look for the paper whereBridgette had it wrote down for me.I havent used it since April I think.I should use it more often but since the weather is so great I am outside most of the time.You should see my arms and legs, I have Indian statis.I said that to Aunt Jeanand she asked me how could I get that. She didnt clue in my skin was real dark brown.LOL.We are not to bad around here. Well that is me.You know? I have been feeling so good the last 3 or 4 days.I feel I could climb the highest mountain.WOW eh.Then there is Glen he is not the greatest.Hehad his 89th.b day on june 11th.But now for some good news.Yup we did it.We went up town this morningand booked that Alaska crews we have been trying for for about 5years now.It cost more but with our health the way it is we got Ins. to cover the trip just to be on the safe side.I guess Id better get up and get the dishes done it is after 7o,clock.So till the next time we talk remember I love you all SOOOO much.Here,s to everyone who reads my blog. Family & Friends Your Mom, Grandmom , Great Grandmom, And Friend luv to all Have a good night